Life is beautiful is a comedy/drama movie based on a man named Guido, his wife, and son. Guido is book Jewish book shop owner, who meets his wife at her engagement party he steals his heart and they run off and start a family. One day his wife's mother told the Nazis that Guido was Jewish. They took Guido and his son to a consternation camp, his wife finds out so when the trains were leaving she joins the women being taken to the camp. While there Guido is determined to use his imagination to make the camp sound like a fun game. Anyways on my thoughts I liked the movie it made laugh, it made me angry, and sad.
My favorite part is the ending which don't really want to talk about to spoil it but I will say it really shows how love can really keep people together. Also it shows you should never lose hope even when times are getting rough because it all works out in the end. It also made me want to cry but I kept it together (thank god), because if I didn't my mascara would have been running down my cheeks. Which I recommend if you're an emotional person do not wear eye makeup because you will ruin it.
Also I would like to say I don't really like romantic movies and this movie really wasn't that bad for a romance movie. So if you are really into romantic/comedy/drama movies I would recommend this movie to you. Also I suggest to watch this with your family and friends because it will make you appreciate them and bring you guys together. Also another of my favorite parts is when Guido comes into the party with the horse.
we watched this movie in class, and I loved it too!